The Enlightenment (NH113 Print)

Reproducible, document-based teaching unit
The Enlightenment OUT OF PRINT
A reproducible, document-based teaching unit


NH113 is the printed format

This title is also available for immediate download in digital format as NH113Ebook

Unit lessons on the “Age of Reason” are based on the English political thinkers Hobbes and Locke; the French Philosophes Condorcet, Rousseau and Montesquieu; Voltaire and his student, the “enlightened despot,” Frederick II of Prussia; and Denis Diderot’s Encyclopédie. The selections in this unit illustrate the social concerns of eighteenth-century Enlightenment thinkers on society, politics, and education. Lastly, students trace the influence of the Enlightenment on the New World by reading excerpts from Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanack and Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence. 

Grades 7-12


Lesson One: The English and French Philosophers
            Part One:Thomas Hobbes and John Locke
            Part Two:The Philosophes (Montesquieu and Rousseau)
Lesson Two: Voltaire and Frederick the Great of
Lesson Three: Denis Diderot’s Encyclopedie
Lesson Four: Benhamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanack and Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence

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