World History Package (NH188APrint)

Purchase "Big Eras" together with a special edition of "Social Studies Review," -- "The New World History: How Can We Bring Our Students' World in the Classroom?"
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NCHS has joined with the California Council for the Social Studies to publish as a package two exciting new resources for world history educators. Available separately for $15 each, the package sells for only $25.

The first is World History: The Big Eras: A Compact History of Humankind for Teachers and Students (see NH188 for a full description). The second resource in thepackage is the Spring-Summer 2010 issue of SocialStudies Review, journal of the California Council for the Social Studies.The issue's theme is “The New World History: How Can We Bring Our Students’ World in the Classroom?” In thirteen articles K-12 and university educators, including the authors of World History:The Big Eras, demonstrate that world history research, teaching practice,and cognitive studies on how students learn about the past have come a long way in the past few decades. Compiled and edited by world history educator Avi Black, these articles offer a treasury of new ideas for conceptualizing, organizing, teaching, and learning world history in both middle and high schools in any of the fifty states.

Together, World History: The Big Eras and this special issue of Social Studies Review make a powerful case for rethinking history education in the United States as an endeavor to help young Americans understand how the histories of particular civilizations and nation-states are connected to large patterns of change and how the complicated world we live in today got to be the way it is.

 Limited quantity available.

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